


How can I start using Fedilab's F-Droid repo?

  1. Copy below link


  1. Open F-Droid app.
  2. Go to its ‘settings’ page.
  3. Go to ‘Repositories’.
  4. Press the ‘+’ icon on top.
  5. Now F-Droid app will show a dialog with the title ‘Add new repository’. It will have its input fields auto filled with values from the copied link.
  6. Press ‘OK’.

Note that if you have already installed Fedilab from F-Droid, you’ll have to uninstall it first and then install a version from our repo

What is 'Push Notifications' and how can I use it?

Push Notifications” is an efficient way to get real-time notifications.

How to use it? (Only for F-Droid users)
(If you installed Fedilab from Google Play, you probably already have Push Notifications and can ignore this section)

  1. Install a ‘distributor’ app:
    1. We recommend Sunup as it is very easy to use
    2. ntfy is another easy solution, but you have to use another server if you get rate-limited
    3. You can find other distributors and more information on unifiedpush.org
  2. Open the distributor app once after installing
  3. Restart Fedilab